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This is a selected list of publications available in print and online.


“Racism and Antislavery: African American Women in the Transatlantic Antislavery Movement” Journal of Women’s History 31, no. 3 (Fall 2019): 55-77.

“Abolitionists Abroad: Women, Travel, and Abolitionist Networks,” GHI Bulletin. Supplement 13, Forging Bonds Across Borders: Transatlantic Collaborations for Women’s Rights and Social Justice in the Long Nineteenth Century (2017).

“Using Javascript to Create Maps of Correspondence” co-authored with Tommy Tavenner. Programming Historian (May 2017).

“How did antislavery women use portraits to represent themselves within the antislavery movement?” Women and Social Movements. 20, no. 2 (September 2016).

“Mapping Antislavery Women’s Correspondence, A Digital Project” (digital humanities project). 

“History of Women’s Rights, in comparative and transnational perspective” in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies (May 2016).

Blog Posts and Media Appearances:

“Summer Reading,” interview on With Good Reason, Virginia Public Radio, July 14, 2018. https://www.withgoodreasonradio.org/2018/07/wgrs-summer-book-list/

“Hospital Confinement: From the 19th Century to the 21stNursing Clio. April 26, 2018. https://nursingclio.org/2018/04/26/hospital-confinement-from-the-19th-century-to-the-21st/

“Nate Parker’s Birth of a Nation (2016) in the Classroom” Guest post on The Junto Blog, October 4, 2016. https://earlyamericanists.com/2016/10/04/guest-post-nate-parkers-birth-of-a-nation-2016-in-the-classroom/

“Sisterhood Against Slavery” interview on With Good Reason, Virginia Public Radio, May 2, 2015. http://withgoodreasonradio.org/episode/mr-turner-and-the-industrial-revolution/

“Meet a Community Rep: Stephanie J. Richmond” Guest Blogger for the Digital Public Library of America Blog. http://dp.la/info/2014/04/09/meet-a-community-rep-stephanie-j-richmond/ April 9, 2014.